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On the third day he rose again

The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus are of “first importance”, says Paul (1 Cor.15:3-4), and from there he goes on to explain how the resurrection in particular underpins it all. Christianity stands or falls on the truth that Jesus rose again from the dead. If that didn’t happen then our sins cannot be forgiven and there is no hope for the life to come (15:17-19). “But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the first-fruits of those who have fallen asleep” (15:20).


Jesus frequently predicted both his death and his resurrection (Mark 8:31; 9:31; 10:33-34). Only after the event did his disciples believe it – his death had destroyed all their hopes and expectations and without the resurrection they’d have given up. But by being raised to life, all that Jesus had said about himself was shown to be true (Rom.1:4).


Not only what he had said about himself, but also what he had said about those who believe in him. We need never again be afraid of death, because in Jesus we share in his victory over death (Heb.2:14-15; John 11:25-26). Nor is this just a glorious hope for the future – because he is alive we share in his life and he is present with us always (John 14:19-20). Hallelujah!

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