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Peace - in him

Jesus’s final words to his disciples were of encouragement for he knows that they will recover and then serve him with true faith. The reason for all that he had said to them that night was to equip them to carry on his work in the world. It’s certain that in this world his followers will experience trouble, but alongside that is an equally sure promise – in him we can have peace.


This peace is the consequence of being in him, the central theme of his teaching that night. Just as Jesus is in the Father, so too he intends us to be in him. This relationship with the Father and the Son through the Spirit (e.g. 14:16-20) means that by remaining in him, then, despite the troubles of this world, we will always be fruitful (15:5). And a primary fruit of the Spirit, alongside love and joy, is peace (14:27; Gal.5:22).


The basis of this promise is his victory over the world, in which his disciples share (1 John 4:4, 5:4-5). This victory was achieved through his death on the cross (12:31-32). Even though it hadn’t yet taken place, the time for it had now come and the outcome was certain. By his death the lamb became a triumphant lion (Rev.5:5-6), and we too are overcomers in him (Rom.8:37-39; 1 Cor.15:57).


(John 17 posts begin at May 2.)

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