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"My Father is with me"

Jesus began his teaching to the disciples that night knowing “that he had come from God and was returning to God” (13:3) and this was at the heart of all that he went on to tell them. Now he draws his teaching to a close with a clear statement of that (28), which causes the disciples to insist that they have finally got the message (29-30).

Jesus knew that their understanding was still flawed and wouldn’t withstand the test of the next few hours (31-32a). Despite their sincere faith in Jesus, once the shepherd was struck they would all be scattered (Zech.13:7; Matt.26:31,56). Not just Peter (13:37-38) but all the disciples would abandon him, despite their claim to believe in him. Only after his death and resurrection did Jesus’s explanations begin to make sense (Luke 24:25-27).


But though they would abandon him that night, Jesus knew that he was in the Father’s hands and the Father would never fail him nor forsake him (32). That was the basis of his confidence throughout the ordeal ahead, and it’s on the same basis that we can face trials too. There will be many times when we don’t understand (even when we think we do!) but our faith rests in the assurance that our Father is with us.

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