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Conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary

Both Matthew and Luke make clear that Jesus’s birth came about in a miraculous way. Before Mary and Joseph had any sexual union, “she was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit” (Mt.1:18). Joseph assumed that Mary must have been unfaithful, but an angel reassured and convinced him that “what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit” (Mt.1:20).


Luke’s Gospel gives the back-story, perhaps told to him by Mary herself as part of his “careful investigation of everything from the beginning” (Lk.1:3). When the angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she will have a child who is the Son of God and the promised Messiah whose kingdom will never end, she is perplexed not by what is said but only by the physical impossibility of it: “How can this be, since I am a virgin?” (Lk.1:31-34). Once again, the explanation is, “the Holy Spirit will come upon you” (Lk.1:35).


In this way, we see from the outset that though Jesus is really human (Gal.4:4), he is also really divine, both God and man in one person. This uniquely qualifies him to “save his people from their sins” (Mt.1:21; Lk.2:11; 1 Tim.2:5; Heb.2:14-15). The virgin birth is itself a sign that in Jesus, truly God is with us (Mt.1:22-23).

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