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He came to serve

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”  Mark 10:45


A well-known song by Graham Kendrick. The Servant King, sums up what Jesus says here: “From heaven you came, helpless babe... not to be served but to serve, and give your life that we might live.” Greatness in the kingdom of God is defined not by title or status but by sacrificial service. 


Jesus came to serve us and supremely he did so by dying for us (Phil.2:6-8). By his death he bore our sins, just as Isaiah had foretold centuries before (Is.53:5-6). “Ransom” refers to the payment of money needed to set slaves free, and “for many” intentionally alludes to Isaiah 53:12. It includes all who are willing to receive forgiveness through him.


In such a wonderful saying, it’s easy to overlook the opening words, “For even", which are a link with what Jesus has just said. He has been emphasising to his disciples that greatness comes by serving others, indeed “whoever wants to be first must be slave of all” (Mark 10:43-44). We are set free from sin in order to prefer the needs of others, which is what Jesus himself came to do. “So let us learn how to serve, and in our lives enthrone him.

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