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When the perfect comes (v.9-10)

“For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, what is in part disappears.” 1 Corinthians 13:9-10


Spiritual gifts are not only temporary – they are also only partial. So to define ourselves by our gifts is a nonsense. What defines us is what we will be when all is perfected. When Jesus returns, we will see him “face to face” (v.12) and be transformed into his own perfect likeness (1 John 3:2).


It’s easy to be impressed by gifts, particularly if they’re unusual or spectacular. But one day all spiritual gifts will pass away, no longer needed in the renewed order of things. For now, those gifts have usefulness, distributed through the whole body of Christ in order that collectively Jesus is displayed. But that can only ever be partial and incomplete.


Understanding this will keep us humble, with our focus on that which is of lasting value i.e. knowing Christ better and showing his love more. All gifts are tools to that end, not the end itself. At his return, when we see him, we will not be asked “what gifts did you have?” but “how did you use your gifts to love and serve others?” (Matt.25:40).

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