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Love never ends (v.8)

“Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away.” 1 Corinthians 13:8


Paul began this passage by stressing that without love we are nothing. Spiritual gifts are fine, but love is primary. Now he spells out the reason why: it’s because all our gifts are temporary but love is everlasting.


In a world of broken hearts it’s easy to be cynical about a love that never ends. But Paul isn’t referring to romantic love – it’s the sacrificial love of Christ which he has in mind. On the eve of his crucifixion, we read of Jesus that he showed his disciples the full extent of his love. These words are followed by him washing their feet in an act of humble service, dramatising his imminent death and the cleansing that would provide (John 13:1-5). He became a servant for us, even to death on the cross (Phil.2:7-8)


By his death, Jesus showed both the love that God has for us and what that love looks like in practice. Such love will be seen in us not through our spiritual gifts but by humble service of others. Love like that will last for ever.

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