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Love endures all things (v.7)

“Love endures all things.” 1 Corinthians 13:7


In all our troubles we are promised victory in Christ. But there is never the thought that this will be a quick or easy triumph over adversity. Instead, the New Testament emphasises that Christians will need great endurance and perseverance. Paul has already said that love is patient and bears all things, and to that he now adds that love endures.


Endurance is about standing firm despite all that presses in on us. Standing may not seem like much of an achievement, though tell that to a weight-lifter straining to hold his position despite the great weight above him! To remain standing when under huge pressure is no small thing, and what Jesus requires of his followers is that they endure (NIV stand firm) to the end (Mark 13:13).


We are called to persevere, just as Jesus endured opposition and even the cross, because of “the joy set before him” (Heb.12:1-3). Here again is the hope of heavenly bliss, which makes present trials worthwhile and therefore endurable. The same is true for his followers – hence the call to fix our eyes on him, to trust in his love, and for love’s sake to endure to the end.

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