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Love is not irritable (v.5)

“Love is not irritable.” 1 Corinthians 13:5


Underlying all the things which irritate us is an irritation with God and his ways. At the beginning of the Bible story, human beings soon became irritated with God and that quickly resulted in irritation between husband and wife, and then brother and brother. The Nativity story is lovable, but less so its often irritating message that Jesus came because we need a Saviour. The parables Jesus told may seem like nice stories but for “those who have ears to ear” they get under the skin... and irritate.


“Irritability, whether caused by people or by circumstances, is at root irritation with God for the way he is providentially governing our lives” (Sinclair Ferguson). It’s only when we are willing to embrace his will and to trust that he is working for our good even in difficult circumstances that we can rise above the irritations of this life (Rom.8:28).


Jesus had plenty of cause to be irritated, yet no irritable word ever came from his mouth (1 Pet.2:22-23). Instead, he knew his Father loved him and could be trusted. And, by his Spirit, that same loving trust can be known by us, whatever the situation.

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