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Love is patient (v.4)

“Love is patient.” 1 Corinthians 13:4


We all like to think we’re patient. But we don’t know if it’s true until we are in situations we find particularly trying. Paul now turns to positive aspects of love, and he begins with patience. The word he uses means “long-tempered” and is linked elsewhere with bearing with one another in love (Eph.4:2).


The Old Testament story of Joseph illustrates this. Sold by his brothers into slavery, he learned to be long-suffering with them, in the assurance that though they had wronged him, “God meant it for good” (Gen.50.20-21). The New Testament gives believers the same assurance that ultimately God will work all things for our good (Rom.8:28).


It’s knowing this which is the key to patient long-suffering. Love is able to be patient with difficult people and in difficult situations because love takes the long-term view that even when life is unfair, our Heavenly Father will bring good out of it. We see that in the life of Jesus – often misunderstood and disappointed, betrayed and wrongfully convicted, and cruelly put to death. Yet patiently enduring because he trusted his Father’s good and perfect will.

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