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12:1-19 Anointed for burial

March 25, 2021

On the eve of Holy Week, Jesus returned to Bethany, less than two miles from Jerusalem (1-2; 11:18). In every reference to this Mary she is at the feet of Jesus (3; 11:32; Luke 10:39). Her humble devotion to Jesus is contrasted with the malice of the chief-priests and the betrayal of Judas (4, 11:57; Mark 14:1,10). Judas was not alone in thinking that this use of expensive perfume was wasteful, though his criticism stemmed from self-interest (5-6; Mark 14:4-5). Jesus, however, defended Mary’s extravagance, for it pointed towards his imminent death and burial (7).

Mary had kept the perfume for a special purpose which had now come. Within one week the body of Jesus would be lying in a tomb, anointed in death (19:39-40). Her action was a dramatic prophecy of that: “She poured perfume on my body beforehand to prepare for my burial” (Mark 14:8). So this extravagant act was wholly appropriate (8), both as a sign of his death and as a symbol of the whole-hearted devotion that disciples should have for him who died for them (1 John 4:9).

The enthusiasm of the crowd who welcomed Jesus as he entered Jerusalem on that first Palm Sunday was essentially nationalistic (12). In their words of welcome they hailed him as the promised Messiah but in terms of human kingship (13; 6:15; Psalm 118:25-26). By entering the city on a donkey and not a war-horse (14-15), Jesus declared that he is a different kind of king – the gentle king of righteousness and salvation who would bring peace to the nations (Zech.9:9-10). This would become clear only after his death and resurrection (16) when the sign of the raising of Lazarus could be fully understood (17-18). But even now many believed in him, making the Pharisees all the more determined to kill him (10-11,19).



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