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1:35-51 “Follow me”

February 14, 2021

This final section of John 1 emphasises yet again the identity of Jesus as “the Christ, the Son of God” (20:31). John the Baptist’s witness that Jesus “has surpassed me because he was before me” (1:30) resulted in two of his own disciples changing to Jesus as their new teacher (38). But very quickly they saw that Jesus was far more than just a greater teacher – he was in fact “the Messiah, that is, the Christ” (41).

One of them, Andrew, therefore quickly shared this discovery with his brother, Simon. The giving of the new name, Peter, pointed to the new person that Simon would become (42). John then records the call of Philip (43) whose affirmation that Jesus is “the one Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the Prophets also wrote” (45) is another clear declaration that Jesus is the Messiah. This is underlined by Nathanael whose initial prejudice was overcome when he met Jesus and recognised him to be “the Son of God” and “King of Israel” (49).

There is still one further name of Jesus used in this chapter, “Son of Man” (51). This title has both overtones of glorious deity and of suffering humanity (Dan.7:13-14). As such, Jesus is the link between heaven and earth (51; Gen.28:10-12), the Son of Man who must be lifted up on the cross “that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life” (3:13-15). Belief results in becoming his disciple – that too is part of the foundation which John lays here in the opening chapter of his gospel by telling of those who “followed Jesus” (37,38,40). When we begin to see Jesus for who he is – the Christ, the Son of God – then we too will be ready to hear him say, “Follow me” (43).



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