The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1 - 7:29)
How God's people are called to live
Here is the weekly material from the Saltburn churches 2019 Autumn Bible Course, led by Geoff Bland.
The notes and discussion questions from each week can be downloaded as a single page A4 pdf.
Click on each underlined title to open the link to the documents.
Recordings of the two short talks from each Thursday evening are also available.
Click on the underlined Talk 1 and Talk 2 to open the link to that recording.
For the collected set of 50 daily blogs covering the whole of Matthew 5-7 click here
Or for the blogs for each particular week of the course click on that link in the schedule below.
For all the daily blogs on Matthew 3-4 - the prelude to the Sermon on the Mount - click here.
Course outline + Introduction to the Sermon on the Mount
Week 1 Qualities of God’s kingdom (5:1-16) Talk 1 Talk 2 Blogs
Week 2 The Law in God’s kingdom (5:17-48) Talk 1 Talk 2 Blogs
Week 3 Prayer in God’s kingdom (6:1-18) Talk 1 Talk 2 Blogs
Supplementary study
Praying with the Lord's Prayer (Luke 11:1-4) Talk (30 mins.) Blogs
Week 4 Priorities of God’s kingdom (6:19-34) Talk 1 Talk 2 Blogs
Week 5 Attitudes of God’s kingdom (7:1-12) Talk 1 Talk 2 Blogs
Week 6 Obedience in God’s kingdom (7:1-29) Recap + Talk 1 Talk 2 Blogs
You are welcome to print the material for individual or group use, either from the individual pdf files above or as a 16 page booklet if a suitable photocopier is available. (The booklet file contains all the pages in A4 in Word, ready for printing A5 size.)