How to be fruitful: Living out Christ's life within (John 13-17)
Here is the weekly material from the 2019 Saltburn churches Lent Course, led by Geoff Bland.
The notes and discussion questions from each week can be downloaded as a single A4 page pdf.
Click on each underlined title to open the link to the documents.
Recordings of the two short talks from each Thursday evening are also available.
Click on the underlined Talk 1 and Talk 2 to open the link to that recording.
For the collected set of 50 daily blogs covering the whole of John 13-17 click here
Or for the blogs for each particular week of the course click on that link in the schedule below.
Course outline + Introduction to John 13-17
Fruitfulness... What? Loving one another, just as Jesus loves us
Week 1 Love is the key (13:1-17,31-35) Talk 1 Talk 2 Blogs
Fruitfulness... How? Being in Jesus, just as Jesus is in the Father
Week 2 Jesus, the Father, and you (14:1-14) Talk 1 Talk 2 Blogs
Week 3 The Gift of the Spirit (14:15-31) Talk 1 Talk 2 Blogs
Week 4 The Fruit of the Spirit (15:1-17) Talk 1 Talk 2 Blogs
Fruitfulness... Where? Sent into the world, just as Jesus was sent
Week 5 Why in the world am I? (15:18 - 16:11) Talk 1 Talk 2 Blogs
Week 6 How in the world can I? (16:12-33) Talk 1 Talk 2 Blogs
The Prayer of the Vine for the Branches
Week 7 What Jesus wants for us (17:1-26) Talk 1 Talk 2 Blogs
You are welcome to print the material for individual or group use, either from the individual pdf files above or as a 16 page booklet if a suitable photocopier is available.
(The booklet file contains all the pages in A4 in Word, ready for printing A5 size.)
Pentecost Sermon "I will put my Spirit in you" (Ezekiel 36:27)
This sermon preached on Pentecost weekend 2019 develops further what Jesus says in John 13-17 about his Spirit living in Christian believers. Click here to listen to it.

One-page Bible studies
Just click on the links below for the study + a downloadable pdf document. ​​​
Collected blogs
Some of the blogs from this website, brought together in single documents. ​​​
The Sermon on the Mount (Mt.5-7)
When doing Bible study, remember to keep it simple. Yes, the truth about God is a deep mystery, with many things that we won't understand in this life. But don’t be put off by that. At its heart, Christian faith has a child-like simplicity to it (Matthew 18:3).