HEBREWS – The key to understanding the Old Testament
Churches Together in Saltburn
An online six-week course in Autumn 2020
The New Testament letter to the Hebrews refers to many themes from the Old Testament and shows how Jesus is greater than everything that has gone before. So it's an excellent way both to learn about the Old Testament and to understand it from a Christian viewpoint.

For a short INTRODUCTORY TALK (8 mins) to this course and to why Hebrews is the key to understanding the Old Testament,
click here.
TALKS Two short talks (12-13 mins) uploaded each Sunday morning, from 4th October to 8th November
Each week in Talk 1, Geoff Bland looks at the Old Testament themes in that section of Hebrews.
Then in Talk 2, one of the Saltburn churches' ministers applies the "Therefore" emphases which are made in that passage.
See below for details of each week's themes and speakers. Once 'Talk' is underlined it can be clicked to listen to it.
NOTES Downloadable notes (two A4 pages) uploaded each week with the Talks
Click 'Notes' below when underlined to open them. All Bible references in the Notes will open in Bible Gateway when clicked.
+ Hebrews Introduction to the Book - click here
+ Hebrews Course Weekly Outline - click here
DAILY READING & SHORT BLOGS Each week's section is divided into five daily readings (Monday to Friday),
The readings and blogs are on on the Home page. The blogs include a link to further notes if you want to dig deeper.
The full set of blogs will be added at the end of the week (or can be found in the Blog archive).
ONLINE DISCUSSION Join a 40-minute Zoom small-group discussion about the passage each week
Groups on different days and at different times - email geoffbland2009@gmail.com for details.
Week 1 / Sun. 4th Oct. Hebrews 1:1 - 2:18 (To read the passages in Bible Gateway just click on the underlined heading)
Jesus, God’s Son, is superior to the angels
Old Testament Themes: Creation, Angels, Humanity
Talk 1 (Rev.Geoff Bland) Talk 2 (Rev.Adam Reed) Course Notes Blogs
Week 2 / Sun. 11th Oct. Hebrews 3:1 - 4:13
Jesus is superior to Moses
Old Testament Themes: Moses, Exodus and Wilderness, Joshua
Talk 1 (Rev.Geoff Bland) Talk 2 (Rev.Ricardo Morgan) Course Notes Blogs
Week 3 / Sun. 18th Oct. Hebrews 4:14 - 7:28
Jesus is superior to the Jewish high priests
Old Testament Themes: High priest and Priesthood, Abraham, Melchizedek
Talk 1 (Rev.Geoff Bland) Talk 2 (Rev.John Henry) Course Notes Blogs
Week 4 / Sun. 25th Oct. Hebrews 8:1 - 10:18
Jesus’s new covenant is superior to the old covenant
Old Testament Themes: Covenant, Tabernacle, Sacrifices
Talk 1 (Rev.Geoff Bland) Talk 2 (Rev.Adam Reed) Course Notes Blogs
Week 5 / Sun. 1st Nov. Hebrews 10:19 - 12:3
Perseverance and faith
Old Testament Themes: The story of faith from Abraham to the Prophets
Talk 1 (Rev.Geoff Bland) Talk 2 (Rev.Ricardo Morgan) Course Notes Blogs
Week 6 / Sun.8th Nov. Hebrews 12:4 - 13:21
Holiness and Worship
Old Testament Themes: Holiness, Mount Sinai and Mount Zion
Talk 1 (Rev.Geoff Bland) Talk 2 (Rev.John Henry) Course Notes Blogs